Friday, January 18, 2013

My Maine Response

  This article and study highlights the obvious need for technology in education. The 1-1 laptop program is something that I think all schools and districts hold out there as something to work towards. While I agree that having these devices provided by the school for each student comes with extreme benefits, with the budget constraints that many districts face, this isn't a viable option for many. I would actually almost prefer a BYOD program that allows students to bring devices they are already familiar with.
  When starting a 1-1 laptop program, while many, maybe all, students are familiar with laptops and computers, there is still that initial phase of teaching how to use the device - maybe it is an unfamiliar operating system or the keyboard/mouse is set up differently. When students bring their own device, that phase is eliminated as students have already mastered their device and completely personalized it. This allows for instruction and engagement to begin immediately from day 1. Students have devices, this we know. The struggle is getting those devices to school and combining them with engaging, standard-based instruction.
  The reality is the students we teach today will soon be leaving us and moving on to college and careers. No matter what they decide to do after leaving Oak Hills, they will need technology skills. We have a responsibility to begin providing this instruction and developing these skills as early as possible, or at least give the opportunity for this type of instruction.

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