Thursday, May 30, 2013

Google Extravaganza- Awesome Ways to use Google Forms and Docs in the Classroom [Berger]

So, by the closing of this school year you are probably feeling a little bit of GOOGLE FORM/SURVEY OVERLOAD!!!  

You may know that Google Forms can be used to collect valuable information for district office...but did you know that Google Forms can be incredibly useful in your classroom???

Check out these top ideas for using Google Forms in the classroom:
  • Collect data from a lab or student interest survey!
    • then graph your results on a google spreadsheet
  • Collaborate on student created definitions!
    • students submit definitions and then compare
  • Create your own "create your own adventure" story! 
    • students enter the story through multiple choice questions so they can decide where to go next, and then based on the answer the reader chooses, you select a different page to present to them
  • Create extended Response Exit Slips!
    • Gather student feedback with a quick click!
  • "Google Flip Packs": Create a presentation combined with Forms for active guided  learning activities for your students!

What about other Google Docs options? WOW there is a LOT out there! Check out these ideas: 

  • Use the comments feature for peer editing or to help scaffold students (see below) 

  • Use a Google Template for students to copy and use (GREAT for providing modifications and structure for different learners) 
  • While presenting a "Google Presentation" to class, have students ask questions via the chat bar for more classroom participation
  • Students can collaborate on homework, while sitting miles apart  

29 interesting ways to use google docs in the classroom from Inge De Cleyn

So, what do YOU think?  Have you used some of these features before?  Are there features not listed above that you use with your students!  Blog it!


  1. I feel like Google Forms is a very useful and powerful tool that is often overlooked in the GAFE suite. This is probably due to it bring a newer tool since Microsoft Office does not offer anything like it. I think once we get to the point where word gets out regarding how much can actually be done with forms, they will be one of if not the most used Google app. I look forward to the continued progress they will make with integrating images into forms and making them more customizeable. Teachers, let Google do the work for you! Set the form and formulas up once and let Google handle the rest!

    1. I agree that there are so many new features that it is taking me a while to sift through all of Google's features. I am finding new apps and features on a daily basis and just need the time to figure out how to apply them to my classroom

    2. I agree, there are so many uses of Google forms and other Google programs that it sometime can be overwhelming. Too much to explore, too little time. I am hoping this summer to spend some time exploring Google even more.

  2. I was first introduced to Google Forms during my gifted endorsement when I created an interest survey for an action research project- however, my introduction to it came AFTER I created, surveyed, and analyzed 100 students from third to fifth grade...

    A few other teachers in my building had shown me their results from a form they created, and I could have kicked myself for not knowing about it sooner! Since then, I have not had a chance to create a form- I never knew there were so many options. I'll have to try google forms for our end of the year class survey instead of just making a table on google docs and hand collecting data. I can't wait to try it!

    I do use google docs with my students for several projects, and I just had them create presentations as a "how-to" on lattice or partial products. They blew me away with their abilities, so I am looking forward to putting together more projects that use the Google suite.

    1. That's so awesome your students blew you away. This is why we need to use technology in the classroom because it excites and engages students in a whole new way. We shouldn't make students power off when they come to school and learn. We have to use the technology available to enhance learning to develop a deeper understanding. I think many teachers would be thoroughly impressed with the outcome of their students if they just tried infusing some technology to supplement learning in the classroom!

    2. Christian, I agree that teachers would be thoroughly impressed with the technology and the outcomes they would generate if they would just step out of their comfort zone and try something. However, what I've learned over the last couple of years is that there are a lot of teachers who won't step out of their comfort zone on their own if you don't help them and hold their hand while they step out on the ledge. I'm not saying I'm blame them. It's a scary and unknown world that they are stepping very different from what they have known in the past. I think that is why it is so critical to continue to expand our roles of our eLc's. One of my goals next year is to offer a more continuous menu of tech trainings so that teachers can have support weekly, or even daily if necessary.

    3. Jay- this is the best idea for training. if teachers saw this presentation, and knew how to incorporate google docs so easily into their lessons, they would be on board. We still have many people hanging on to their microsoft office stuff, but google integrates everything, and it is awesome!

  3. I have not personally tackled Google Forms yet, but see ample ways that they could help me in the classroom. I could even see giving small formative assessments and collecting the data to chart student learning and progress. I am anxious to have some time this summer to play around with some of these features, as they will definitely help in my classroom.

    1. I'll be playing around this summer too! I just spent an hour tallying the results of our student superlative election for awards tomorrow, and the whole time I was thinking about how much easier it will be next year when I have this on Google forms. Summers are great!

  4. There are a lot of really great ways to use google forms. Our walk-through tool that we use here in Oak Hills is a google form. I think it works much better than the previous application that we used and it's free. I found this resource that is good for both principals and teachers. It is a link to some google form templates. It contains templates for classroom quizzes, teacher evaluations, and other miscellaneous forms. Please click here to access the link: .

    1. This is a really great resource Jay! Thanks for sharing it with us. There are so many different types of forms and ideas of different ways to use forms that I would have never thought of. I also like the template for the walk throughs on Google Docs more than the actual program we were using before. I think it is easy to use.

  5. Kara listed many great ways to use Google forms and Google docs in the classroom. I look forward to learning even more about the uses of Google forms in the classroom. Currently I like to use Google forms to survey my students. I actually just had my students complete an end of the year survey this past week, using a Google form. I hope to use Google forms even more next year. I would like to have my students create a Google form in my class. Each year I typically have my students complete a large data project. Google form would be a great way for them to collect data from their classmates.

  6. I would love to learn how to use google docs and forms to create quizzes on my google sites, and Kara has done a great job showing how I can upgrade my google site 100%.

  7. I can honestly say that I haven’t really used Forms for the classroom because I hadn’t thought of those great ideas that Kara had. I have used them though to take data for myself on my students IEP goals. It have found that it is a much easier and simpler way of taking data so that I can analyzing it during and at the end of the quarter. I have created the form so that all I have to do is click on the students name and then it will take me to a page where I can rate that student on their goal. I hit submit and I am done. There is no paperwork or mess! That being said, I definitely want to try some of the things that Kara pointed out in her entry. I think that these are some simple and very effective ways to use Google Forms in the classroom.

  8. I love all of these ideas!!!!
    I can't wait to use summer time and plan for next year with some of these great ideas of using Google in my classroom.
    I have already tried a few with sharing docs, using a template and having them copy it and make their own, also have done google forms for a lot of extracurricular activities for student council, dances, yearbook etc. It is a great way to reach a lot of students all at once.
