Since the world has changed so much over the past 15 years, how teachers teach has changed so much as well. When teachers plan their lessons now, they are strongly encouraged to incorporate technology into the lesson. This is difficult though because it has to be more than having the kids use the technology as a fact checker. Technology in the classroom is more than just a book that lights up for the students.
When teachers are planning a lesson that uses technology, they must remember these steps from Bloom's Digital Taxonomy.

2. Start the Brainstorming
3. Map the Project
4. Create the Teaching Template
5. Develop Assessment Tools
6. Evaluation Mode
Everyone has heard of Bloom's Taxonomy and making sure that we as teachers get the kids thinking more critically. The higher you go on the chart the more beneficial it is for the students. Now they have Bloom's Digital Taxonomy and the higher you go on the chart the better that assignment is for the student. When planning a lesson it will be good for the teacher to incorporate some of the higher levels of Bloom's Digital Taxonomy.
The levels we as teachers want to incorporate are the top 3, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. When the students analyze they are making connections from the material. When the students are evaluating they are making judgements based on criteria. When the students are creating they are producing new or original work through animating, blogging, filming, podcasting, and much more.
When you go into planning a lesson using technology these are just some things to think about, and the biggest thing to remember is to don't use the technology as a virtual textbook. When you are incorporating technology into your lesson plan, make sure that the technology takes their thinking to the next level. Make sure that the technology enhances the learning of the students! Integrating technology into the classroom is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.