Being a visual learner I appreciate images that me help to explain a concept ...
so come follow me down memory lane to revisit what we once knew as a communication device.
10 Ways Mobile Gadgets Have Changed Our Lives -
1. Meeting up is easier
2. There's no excuse to be bored
3. Fast-twitch brains
4. You're always around
5. Horror movies had to add a line
6. Smile! You're on camera!
7. Update anxiety
8. All-In-One
9. Conversation killer
10. Conversation killer (Redux)
I have my own 10 of personal use to add (not in any specific order & not limited to these only)
1. Alarm Clock & Calculator & Weather
2. Calendar (Work & Personal Appts. & Schedules)
3. Sticky Note Saver
4. 'My Litl' Black Book' for Family, Friends, Customers, Etc.
5. Camera & Photo Album & posting to Instagram to share with family & friends
6. Emails for personal and work
7. Entertainment for myself & my young children
8. A Work in Progress - collection of images, ideas, Pinterest 'when I have time' files
9. Music
10. Child Allowance Tracker
As they said in the article...."call it good, call it bad, it just is" when referring to the estimated
5 billion mobile phone connections in the world. There was a time when phones were not around, then they became available in our homes connected to a wall, when I was younger I remember thinking how inconvenient it was to have the phone only on the kitchen wall - never seemed the right place to have a long conversation;)
As kids we thought that cordless phones were cool so that we could hang out in our bedroom and have a conversation with someone without anyone else in the room. Little did we know ... that it would come to this.
How about when I was in high school and we had one of these!!! Kids these days would not even know what to do with this! Technology has come so far... a generation ago it needed a whole room now it can fit in one of our pockets ... or if you so choose a bag like this one;)
Now wonder why some of us feel we never leave the office... some of us even feel a sense of panic if we happen to walk into the other room without our device! From the car to the bathroom, then the kitchen to the bedroom.... during our exercise/leisure activities and of course work activities... it is an additional piece of us...some say 'like an additional limb."
How The Smartphone Invasion Changed The Way We Live -
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The life of a teenager these days is a little different than I remember myself. It is estimated that a teenager consumes 10.5 hours of media in a day, according to Credit Suisse. If this is accurate... we as educators could only hope that a percentage of that is used with something educational!
For Fun:
I asked a former student about her smart phone usage and she responded with the following:
device: HTC Radar Windows Phone
who: freshman - girl
alarm in a.m.
checks for texts/calls/etc. texts friends
at school uses it for research, classwork, etc.
at lunch freely
before, during & after school uses:
text, call, internet, twitter, facebook,
instagram, pinterest, camera, calculator,
calendar, reminders
carries it with or on her at all times
(not at dinner or in bathroom)
does a lot of babysitting so uses it as a 'business' phone
I think that it would be very interesting to have several students track their usage just to see how much they do depend on these during their daily lives. I find it fascinating just how much they seem to be attached to them, yet do not personally like the feeling when I do not have mine either! I do not go into a panic but I do however seem to 'need' it whenever that happens.
This House Believes Children Should Be Allowed -
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We have a need to feel connected and with technology that has been made very possible for us 24/7.
Many of us take our mobile devices more places than we would like to admit.
But when is it too much or inappropriate?
As discussed using the format of a table with points for and points against, this article states opinion on 4 categories regarding children and mobile devices.
1. Mobile phones keep children safe
I agree to a certain extent but what about all of us that grew up just fine with out them? I do love that it is a convenient way to communicate things with parents - especially important things that need immediate attention and can be solved because of the text feature or just having their cell phone with them at school for the right number to call.
2. Children should be comfortable with modern technology
I agree completely - the more comfortable they are, the better they can learn using these devices
Although, it states the average age is 8 for a first phone, I am not sure that I feel the maturity to have 'own' their own phone is until after that age... middle school seems to be a good age of responsibility from my experience as a teacher so far. We need to embrace it and make it work for us as parents and as teachers.
3. Mobile phones encourage the development of independence and interpersonal skills
I agree, my daughter is 3 and my son is 6 and they can navigate through things on both of our smartphones and also on an iPad. That doesn't mean they each need one of their own though. There are a lot of very good educational games for younger kids that they all seem to love to play.
4. Schools can implement programs to encourage responsible and considerate mobile phone use
I completely agree, this is in the works but will need to be taught at home as well!!! It will need to be reinforced by all if we want them to actually learn these and follow them.
We have a great task at hand with this young technology that is going to be always changing and as educators and parents we need to be aware and also knowledgeable of what it is and how it can be used in our daily lives. It would be great if only good things could come out of it all...but being realistic there are always going to be things that happen that we will need to figure out as they arise. But if we do not take the proactive stance as parents and educators and teach our youth how to use these devices appropriately and responsibly ... then who will?????
Additional Examples of Our Everyday Activities that have been altered by the mobile phone....
Really?...even in here... |
Exercise |
Modern Day Chatting? Hanging Out? |
Staying Connected...but to who? |
Quality Family Time? |
Distracted & Dangerous |
Graphs that support the newest trend of Smartphones as discussed in these articles above...
What the proposed future holds... |
Update on Users Choice |